Bedwetting is also medically known as nocturnal enuresis that refers to the unintentional passage of urine during sleep. This happens when a child pees without knowing about it. For infants and young children wetting is normal. Most children achieve some degree of bladder control by 5 or 6 years of age but after this age if they still wet the bed then it has to be taken care. Daytime control is usually achieved first, while nighttime control comes later. Bed wetting boys are more common than bedwetting girls.
Some children wet the bed at least 1 or 2 times a week over at least 3 months. In some cases, the child has been wetting the bed all along. But bedwetting can also start after a child has been dry at night for a long time.
Why is my child bedwetting?
Bedwetting children, bedwetting teens and adult bed wetting is not on purpose but various factors may play a role that can cause bedwetting.
- A small bladder gets full quickly that is why some children cannot hold the urine and wet their bed.
- Children with delayed growth whose nervous system is still forming has inability to recognize a full bladder.
- Many children who wet the bed are deep sleepers that they don’t wake up to use the washroom.
- Chronic constipation is a major factor related to bedwetting.
- Sleep apnea, Diabetes, urinary tract or nervous system are another causes for bedwetting.
- Children may be more likely to wet the bed if they have some stress. For example, a child may have a new brother or sister or a change of school etc.
- The majority of bedwetting is inherited. For three out of four kids, either a parent or a first-degree relative has bedwetting issue in their childhood
What can you do to help your child stop bedwetting?
- Shift times for drinking. Give your child most of his or her fluids in the morning and afternoon and no fluid at least an hour before they sleep.
- Avoid foods and beverages that can irritate bladder. Let your child avoid caffeine, such as from chocolate or colas.
- Schedule bathroom breaks. Have your child use the toilet before he or she goes to bed.
- Set a night time bathroom alarm to urinate in the middle of the night.
- Be encouraging. Don’t punish them for wetting the bed at night.
- Buy a Bedwetting alarm which can help your child wake up as soon as they start wetting and slowly builds brain bladder connection that can stop bedwetting permanently.
- Protect your bed with waterproof mattress pads.