Bed Wetting Boys

Last Updated on March 17, 2024 by Bedwetting Specialist

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Did you know that there are 5 to 7 million kids bed wetting nightly? There are more bed wetting boys than bed wetting girls. In a study of about more than 6,000 kids bed wetting, researchers found that about seven out of 100 boys and three out of 100 girls wet their beds at least once a month. After age 5, about 15% of kids bedwetting continues, and by age 10, 95% of children are dry at night. Bed wetting is not a problem until children are about six years of age.

Bed wetting also called Enuresis is the loss of bladder control that leads to the release of urine. There are several kinds of enuresis. Nocturnal enuresis is also called “bed wetting,” because it happens during the night while a child is sleeping.

There are 2 types of bed wetting:

  • Primary Bed wetting is when your kid is never been dry for more than a few months at a time
  • Secondary Bed wetting is when a bedwetting boy who have been completely dry for more than 6 months and then start wetting the bed again.


When to see your doctor to deal with bed wetting boys & bed wetting girls

If you’re worried about your bed wetting boy, or if it’s causing issues for your boy and your family, you might like to see your Doctor for advice about treatment and management.

  • It might be a good idea to see the if your boy is still wetting the bed regularly at seven years old
  • When you’re concerned about how your bedwetting boy will handle sleep-overs or overnight school camps
  • Bedwetting is starting to bother or worry your child or if he is feeling guilty of something that is not his fault


Possible causes for bed wetting

One or more of the following issues may contribute to Bedwetting in boys at night.

  • Hormone issues – Some Boys with bedwetting issues produce too much urine at night compared to their peers. This may be due to a lack of anti-diuretic hormone, which reduces the amount of urine produced.
  • Deep sleeper – Boys with bedwetting issues are often described as very sound sleepers. They have inability to sense bladder fullness at night and wet the bed.
  • Behavior modification-Tthis is complex, and typically play a large role in bedwetting. Bed wetting alarms are best suited for this.
  • Genetics – This problem can be inherited.
  • Bladder problems – Some boys may have irritable or small bladders that make them more at risk for accidents at night.


What can I do to help my bed wetting boy?

There are lots of ways to stop bedwetting in bed wetting boys and  bed wetting girls. You have to find the treatment that best meets the needs of your child and your family.

  • Avoid giving drinks containing caffeine such as tea, colas or water 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Be patient and understanding – reassure your child, especially if they are upset
  • Don’t punish your child for what they can’t control.
  • Praise and reward your child for getting up to use the toilet
  • Constipation treatment may stop bedwetting in some children.
  • Use best bedwetting alarms as they are clinically proven to stop bedwetting in boys in few weeks. Many alarms have a 70 percent success rate.
  • Use a heavy plastic mattress cover and protect the mattress with absorbent pads or towels

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