|  Chummie Premium |  Chummie Elite |  Smart Alarm |  Shield Max |  Shield Prime |  NewU |  Zest | | Buy Now | Buy Now | Buy Now | Buy Now | Buy Now | Buy Now | Buy Now |
Our Ratings |      |      |      |     |     |     |     |
Alert Tones | 8 | 5 | 8 | 8 | 1 | 8 | 8 |
Light Alerts | | | | | | | |
Vibrations | Strong | Strong | Strong | Medium | Medium | Mild | Mild |
Alarm Type | Microprocessor controlled | Microprocessor controlled | Microprocessor controlled | Microprocessor controlled | Microprocessor controlled | Microprocessor controlled | Microprocessor controlled |
Sensor Type | Large soft silicone IntelliFlex sensor | Large soft silicone IntelliFlex sensor | Strong Hold clip sensor | Strong Hold clip sensor | Strong Hold clip sensor | Strong Hold clip sensor | Strong Hold clip sensor |
Pro's | Full featured system with lights, 8 tones, strong vibrations and volume control to wake up deep sleepers. Large, soft silicone sensor detects urine quickly to never miss a bedwetting accident | Nearly identical to Chummie Premium without volume control and fewer tones. You get the same IntelliFlex sensor for enhanced comfort and large urine detection area | Equivalent features to most top selling brands. Children can change front stickers to customize the look of the alarm. Compact and lightweight alarm with one button program switch | Comparable features to the Smart bedwetting alarm but with reduced vibration intensity. Track nightly progress with stars and moon stickers. Mid price range alarm for children | A step down from theShield Max alarm,Shield Prime has just1 tone with mildvibration. This alarmworks well for lightsleepers and budgetconscious parents.Sensor is secure anddurable | Price friendly alarmwith many featuresthat other alarmslack. Beautiful colorand finish andcompact designmakes it lightweightand comfortable.Works well foryoung children whowet the bedoccasionally | Most basic alarm inour comparison buta worthycompetitor. Zestalarm cycles through8 unique tones toavoid childrengetting used to anyone sound. Comeswith downloadable progress chart |
Con's | On the higher end of the price spectrum, but the Chummie is more than just another bedwetting alarm | A little on the expensive side compared to some other alarms but still worth the investment | Perfect in many ways, lacks the unique patented silicone sensor that Chummie alarms have | Medium vibration intensity may be better for younger children or light sleepers | Single tone alarmsystem is loud formost children but inrare cases, somechildren may not getup | Besides the mildervibration comparedto Chummie andSmart alarms, thereis no other con weknow | Most basic alarm,but the cost is so lowthat it is highlyrecommended by us |
Our Comments | Our #1 Alarm Award Winning with Revolutionary Soft, Patented One Drop Detection Silicone Sensor | Doctor Recommended Bedwetting Alarm Perfect for Children and Deep Sleepers to Stop Bedwetting | Child Friendly Bedwetting Alarm Interchangable Face Stickers Motivate Children to Stop Bedwetting | Full Featured Bedwetting Alarm With all the Features Found in Many Expensive Bedwetting Alarms | Low Cost Bedwetting Alarm Ideal for Light Sleepers and Younger Children who want to Stop Bedwetting | Low Cost Bedwetting Alarm All the Bells and Whistles of Expensive Alarms in One Compact Alarm | Budget Friendly Bedwetting Alarm Best Suited for Younger Children and Light Sleeper to Stop Bedwetting |